Holy Island by LJ Ross

Holy Island

LJ Ross

A DCI Ryan Mystery

Thriller & Mystery Series, Thriller & Mystery Adventures, 

Crime, British Detective Stories

Atmospheric and gripping thriller - AN ABSOLUTELY SUPERB READ!

I'm from the North-East of England and came across Louise Ross in the press. Knowing the setting I was intrigued to see how she had managed to write a thriller set in one of Northumberland's greatest locations. This is not my normal genre (I'm more a romance girl) but absolutely loved this novel.

Right from the very first sentence, I could tell this was going to be an excellent read. "...Lucy lay shivering, her skin exposed and helpless to temperatures which had fallen well below zero. Now and then her body jerked, a spasm of pain which racked her slim form as she rested beneath a sky that was littered with stars. She thought her eyes were open but couldn't be sure. It was so dark." ..... Wowzers!!

It was atmospheric, gripping and twisted along until the final climactic sequence which quite frankly, the house could have been burning down around me, but nothing would have stopped me reading at that point. There was even a light romance between the two main characters, so I couldn't have been happier.

Louise's style is excellent. Her characters are vibrant and real and she writes a secure sense of place. Her choice of vocabulary and dialogue are very believable and most importantly for a thriller, her plotting is superb.

Louise already has a huge and loyal fan base and deservedly so. I may be way behind others in the escapades of DCI Ryan, but after even this first novel, she can now consider me too another member of her fanbase.

Even if you've never been to England, let alone the North-East - you HAVE TO READ THIS! BUY IT NOW!!

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Isabella Wiles

Isabella Wiles is a passionate writer of contemporary women's fiction.

As a self-professed hopeless romantic she writes strong female heroines, that are wrapped up in passionate but disastrously complicated relationships, all set against multiple backdrops of vivid and emotive landscapes. Her stories sweep you up and carry you around the world - all in the name of love.

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